Local Resources

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Call or text 988 for mental health support. 988lifeline.org
GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Center
Gigi’s Playhouse’s mission is to empower individuals with Down syndrome and their 
families to realize their full potential, fostering confidence, independence, and joy.
They provide a welcoming “place” where location is never a barrier to success, and
we offer comprehensive “programs” that break down any boundaries imposed by traditional
curriculums. All programs are free, ensuring that cost never hinders families from
participating or prevents the achievement of our children and adults in the Fargo Moorhead area.
North Dakota Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
ND Vocational Rehabilitation mission is to assist North Dakotans with disabilities to improve
their employment opportunities and to assist North Dakota businesses in finding solutions to
their disability-related issues. ND DVR (ND Vocational Rehabilitation) services to individuals
include (not limited to): diagnosis and evaluation, vocational counseling and planning,
information and referral, adaptive equipment, physical and mental restoration services,
employment maintenance, transportation, vocational training including supported employment
and job placement and follow-up. Fargo 701.298.4459
North Dakota Special Education Units
Fargo 701.446.1009
Rural Cass County 701.282.4538
West Fargo  701.356.2003
South Valley 701.242.7031
Wahpeton 701.642.5499
Griggs/Steele/Traill 701.788.2004
Freedom Resource Center for Independent Living
Freedom Resource Center is a disability rights organization.
Our mission is to provide services that increase independence for people with disabilities. 
Fargo 701.478.0459
Wahpeton 701.672.1648
Lisbon 701.683.6850
Red River Children’s Advocacy Center
They provide a compassionate and effective way to bring services to children victimized by abuse.
Our public-private collaboration significantly reduces the trauma associated with reporting child abuse.
We help coordinate care and investigation from first report to conviction and beyond,
while keeping the child at the center of everything the team does. 701.234.4580
Red River Human Services Foundation Activity Center RRHSF
RRHS Activity Center is a social club for people with disabilities that has a variety of
fun events scheduled every week. 701.235.2444
Southeast Human Service Center
One of eight regional human service centers within NDHHS. The center provides behavioral
health services and developmental disability case management to residents of Cass, Ransom,
Richland, Sargent, Steele, and Traill counties. 701.298.450

State Resources

The Arc of North Dakota
State chapter organization of affiliated chapters of The Arc. Network to provide support and services needed for people with I/DD to be fully engaged int their communities. 701.222.1854
ASPIRE Action and Support to Promote Inclusive Experiences 
Program at Bottineau in a partnership with NDCPD that offers an inclusive 3 year post-secondary program for students ages 18-26. 701.8483.4339
ASTEP Advancing Students Toward Education and Employment Program
Inclusive college program for students with I/DD at Minot State University. ASTEP students attend college courses with students who don’t have disabilities, earn meaningful credentials, gain employment, and learn independent living skills. 800.233.1737
Catholic Charities of North Dakota
Provides guardianship services for vulnerable individuals 18 years and older. Our mission is to serve elderly persons and individuals with mental health issues or any other type of vulnerability. Our work is to provide support and direction for the individuals who have no source of support and are having difficulty living and making decisions in their daily lives. We are here to help the person make informed, person-centered decisions through understanding of consequences and dignity of risk on the spectrum of life choices. 701.235.4457
Council on Quality and Leadership
The Council on Quality and Leadership provides accreditation to human service providers, national organizations, member associations, and governmental agencies throughout North Dakota. 410.275.0488
Early Childhood Special Education
ECSE provides education services for children with disabilities ages 3 through age 5. Contact your local School District where you reside for services in Early Childhood Special Education. 701.328.2277
Family Caregiver Support Program HHSND
Services offered through the North Dakota Family Caregiver Support Program promote a more positive and successful caregiving experience. 701.328.8744
Family Voices of ND
Family Voices of North Dakota (FVND) aims to achieve family-centered care for all children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities.
Through our national network, Family Voices provides families tools to make informed decisions, advocates for improved public and private policies, builds partnerships among professionals and families, and serves as a trusted resource on health care. 1.888.522.9654
Guardian and Protective Services, Inc.
Guardian and Protective Services, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides protective services to vulnerable elderly, mentally ill, brain injured and disabled adults in North Dakota who have limited family support, no family members, or no capable friends to assist them. 701.222.6600
Guardianship Association of North Dakota
GAND works to educate current and future guardians, the public and legislators regarding issues affecting vulnerable adults and surrogate decision making. GAND continues to work to identifying gaps in our state law and promoting positive changes to legislation that affects vulnerable individuals in North Dakota. GAND is a strong voice that helps to represent the many unmet needs of people too vulnerable to speak for themselves. 701.224.1815 ext. 5
Home Education in North Dakota
Home Education provides parents more flexibility in educating their children the way they feel most benefits them. 701.328.2260
Launch My Life
Launch My Life ND is a resource website brought to you by the North Dakota Transition Consortium. Our goal is to promote, improve, and educate about services that help young adults with disabilities move from high school into college, training, or a job.
Life Skills and Transition Center
The Life Skills and Transition Center (LSTC) is a state-operated, comprehensive support agency serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Grafton. LSTC serves as a crisis and stabilization center, as well as a safety net for people whose needs exceed community resources. 701.352.4200
Legal Services of North Dakota
Legal Services of ND’s mission is to provide high quality legal advice, education and representation to low-income North Dakotans as well as disadvantaged elderly in areas of civil law. People under 60-1.800.634.5263 People over 60-1.866.621.9886
North Dakota Assistive
North Dakota Assistive is a non-profit organization that strives to bring assistive technology devices and services into the lives of North Dakotans and Minnesotans of all ages who need it. Our goal is to help bridge the gap between ability and disability using assistive technology. Fargo 701.365.4728
North Dakota Association for the Disabled
Assisting people with disabilities in the state of North Dakota, many of whom are not eligible for services from other agencies. Fargo 701.281.8215
North Dakota Autism Services
The Autism Services Unit of North Dakota provides information to parents and professionals on state service delivery and supports for those with an autism spectrum disorder and their families. This includes the North Dakota Autism Medicaid Waiver, the North Dakota Autism Voucher Program and North Dakota Autism Task Force. 701.328.4630
North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities NDCPD
University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research and Services located at Minot State University. NDCPD provides education and research which empowers communities to welcome, value and support the well-being and quality of life for people of all ages and abilities. 701.858.3580
North Dakota Children and Family Services
Children and Family Services Division is responsible for many programs and services and sets policies and procedures for child welfare services offered and delivered statewide.
North Dakota Data and Statistics ND Autism Database
A database which includes a record of all individuals diagnosed with ASD. The information collected will be used to complete epidemiologic surveys, research, and analysis, and provide services to individuals with an ASD. 701.328.2436
North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
The Department of Public Instruction is the lead state agency that enforces all state statutes and federal regulations pertaining to the establishment and maintenance of public schools and related programs. Programs will include Special Education, Title Programs, Section 504, Early Childhood Education, ND School for the Blind, ND School for the Deaf, Transition Planning, and the State Library. 701.328.2461
North Dakota Disabilities Advocacy Consortium
The ND Disabilities Advocacy Consortium (NDDAC) advocates for public policy to ensure that people with disabilities have the supports and services they need to be as productive and independent as possible. 701.328.4847
North Dakota Division of Developmental Disabilities
Developmental Disabilities provides support and training to individuals and families in order to maximize community and family inclusion, independence, and self-sufficiency; to prevent institutionalization; and to enable institutionalized individuals to return to the community. 
North Dakota Guardianship
Guardianship is a court action appointing someone to make decisions for you when you become incapable of making your own decisions due to an illness or when an incapacity endangers your health or safety. There are two types of guardianships, a full guardianship, and a limited guardianship. 701.328.4613
Request for Guardianship Application 
ND IDEA Advisory Committee
Advise the NDDPI of unmet needs within the state in the education of children with disabilities. 701.328.2277
North Dakota Indian Education Advisory Council
NDIEA advocates for greater cooperation among tribal, state, and federal organizations, institutions, groups, and agencies to promote high-quality and equal education for ND’s Indian Students. 701.328.2254
North Dakota Interagency Coordinating Council 
Provides leadership for a coordinated statewide interagency system of comprehensive early intervention services and prevention awareness for children with disabilities and at-risk children birth through five. To provide a vehicle for assuring the coordination of planning, development, and implementation activities related to this effort across those public and private agencies whose services deal with children, families, or individuals, including children birth through five with disabilities.
North Dakota Special Olympics
Special Olympics North Dakota (SOND) serves athletes, partners, coaches, and other partners through 11 Area Programs in the state. We offer sports all year round with weekly practices, periodic games, and annual tournaments.  701.746.0331
North Dakota State Council on Developmental Disabilities
The council advocates for policy changes that promote choice, independence, productivity, and inclusion for all North Dakotans with developmental disabilities (DD). The council supports and provides funding for projects and activities that maximize opportunities for consumers and families. 701.328.4847
North Dakota Vision Services and School for the Blind
They offer center-based services as well as regional outreach for those in ND who are blind or visually impaired. ND Vision Services and School for the Blind is a division of the ND Department of Public Instruction. 701.795.2700
North Dakota Vision Rehabilitation Services
If you have an uncorrectable vision impairment, help is available from the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. Vision rehabilitation services have two separate programs that are offered, the
Older Individuals who are Blind Program and the Employment Program. 701.328.8954
Pathfinder Parent Center
A statewide nonprofit organization that offers resources to educate parents, youth, professionals, and the community, focusing on individuals birth-26 with learning differences or challenges.  Parent resource guide  701.837.7500
Protection and Advocacy 
P&A is an independent state agency established in 1977 to advance the human and legal rights of people with disabilities. P&A strives to create an inclusive society that values everyone by advocating for and protecting rights. 1.800.472.2670
School for the Deaf Resource Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing ND
Provides an educational setting for those in ND with a hearing loss. The school provides specialized methods of instruction for hearing impaired youth. The Resource Center provides information and referrals to other agencies as well as provides outreach. 701.665.4400
Self-Directing Supports
Self-directed supports are the result of a relatively new waiver option available in North Dakota. Gives families’ greater choice and control in making decisions and obtaining support.
Transition ND
An app for students with disabilities with an IEP, ages 14 and older, available on google play. 

National Resources

The AbilityOne Program is among the nation’s largest sources of employment for people who are blind or have significant disabilities. The Program is administered by the U.S. AbilityOne Commission, the operating name for the Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled. Through a national network of more than 420 nonprofit agencies, the program provides the Federal Government products and services at fair market prices. The procurement of these products and services results in employment of nearly 37,000 individuals. 800.999.5963
American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities AAIDD
AAIDD promotes progressive policies, sound research, effective practices, and universal human rights for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 202.387.1968
American Foundation for the Blind
An organization that speaks up for children who are blind or visually impaired, to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. Advocate for blind and visually impaired persons for equal employment. Transforming those who are aging to better services and support. 212.502.7600

ADA Standards for Accessible Design
The ADA Standards for Accessible Design—along with the Title II and Title III regulations—say what is required for a building or facility to be physically accessible to people with disabilities.

A community of providers for people with disabilities.
Their vision is that people with disabilities share in the richness of human experience: a rewarding career, a safe and comfortable home, fulfilling personal relationships, choices and opportunities, and the same rights, civic responsibilities and opportunities desired by all citizens in their community. Employment is a cornerstone of opportunity. People with disabilities belong in the workplace. 301.279.0060
The Arc of The United States 
Advocates for the rights and full participation of all children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. As a network of members and affiliated chapters, they improve systems of support and services, connect families, inspire communities, and influence public policy. National database of resources including articles, webinars, reports, and trainings. Other resources and initiatives can be found at thearc.org/our-initiatives/. 800.433.5255
Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators ACRE
An organization dedicated to advocacy, public policy, and the education and training of community rehabilitation personnel to enhance employment outcomes of persons with disabilities. 
Autism Society
At the core of the Autism Society’s work is our goal to influence meaningful change in support of the Autism community. 1.800.328.8476
Autism Speaks
Autism Speaks is dedicated to creating an inclusive world for all individuals with autism throughout their lifespan. We do this through advocacy, services, supports, research and innovation, and advances in care for autistic individuals and their families. 1.888.Autism2
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
United Nations statement on the rights of people with disabilities.
Department of Labor Direct Support Professionals
Department of Labor’s information on the Direct Support Professional career.
Family Paid Caregiver Pilot Program HHSND
A program for caregivers who provide extraordinary care to either a child or adult who are enrolled in a Medicaid 1915(c) waiver. Some people may receive payments from the state to provide care. familycaregiver@nd.gov
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IDEA ensures that all children with disabilities are entitled  to a free, appropriate public education to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living. 
Institute for Community Inclusion
Promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in their communities through training, consultation, clinical and employment services, and research. The national Center on Workforce and Disability/Adult provides training, technical assistance, policy analysis and information to improve access for all the workforce development system. 617.287.4300
Institute for Community Integration
The Institute on Community Integration (ICI) at the University of Minnesota pushes the edge of inclusion through an intensive focus on policies and practices that affect children, youth, and adults with disabilities, and those receiving educational supports. 612.624.6300
Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee
The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) is a Federal advisory committee that coordinates Federal efforts and provides advice to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on issues related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). 
Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides discussion and dissemination of information about the major areas that constitute vocational rehabilitation. 
Minnesota Neurodivergent Education Advocacy and Therapy Services
Minnesota Neurodivergent Education Advocacy and Therapy Services (MnNEAT) supports meaningful inclusion of ND people across the lifespan into the world of their choosing. They support and uphold rights to live authentically and ensure equitable access to our services through the engagement of mentors who represent the diversity of the ND community. Assistive Technology
Remote Activities
My Social Security
Create an account and manage SSA benefits. 
National Organization on Disability NOD
NOD’s mission is to expand the participation and contribution of the million of people in the US with disabilities. 
National Technical Assistance Center on Transition NTACT:C
Organization funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs. Provide information, tools and supports to assist with delivering effective services and instruction for youth with disabilities. 
Office of Civil Rights, Division of Disability Rights
To advance the nation’s goal of equal opportunity, integration, full participation, inclusion, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for people with disabilities through enforcement, regulation, and technical assistance. 1.800.514.0383
Office of Disability Employment Policy ODEP
ODEP provides national leadership through disability related employment policy and practice. Our vision is of a world in which people with disabilities have unlimited employment opportunities. 866.4USA.DOL
Pacer’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment
The road to adulthood for youth with disabilities is filled with opportunity, and parents play a key role. PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition on Employment is ready with the information families want, presented in a way families can use. 888.248.0822
Partnership for People with Disabilities Virginia Commonwealth University
Everything we do at the Partnership is focused on supporting people with disabilities and their families to be fully participating members of their community. Our work focuses on the four major areas of emphasis of early childhood, education, health, and community living. 804.828.3876
Rocky Mountain ADA Center
Provides guidance and training. Meeting the Challenge is an accessibility compliance consulting firm that serves individuals and organizations with rights and responsibilities for compliance with federal disability rights laws.
Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities University of Montana
Building access and opportunity for people with disabilities through education, research, evaluation, and service. Free training is offered episodically from a rural perspective. 406.243.0211
Special Olympics USA
Special Olympics is a global movement showing the world a future where everyone belongs.
Leading the way to inclusive communities through research, education, and advocacy. TASH members are people with disabilities, family members, fellow citizens, advocates, and professionals working together to create change and build capacity so that all people, no matter their perceived level of disabilities, are included in all aspects of society. 202.817.3264
Temple University Institute on Disabilities
The institute on Disabilities at Temple University learns from and works with people with disabilities and their families in diverse communities across Pennsylvania to create and share knowledge, change systems and society, and promote self-determined lives so that disability is recognized as  a natural part of the human experience. 215.204.1356
University of Colorado Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities
The Institute supports research and development of technology at the four University of Colorado campuses for individuals living with cognitive disabilities and their caregivers. We are committed to providing scientific and technological leadership to strengthen the voice of our community. 303.860.6141

University of Minnesota Community Integration Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Direct Service Workers to Provide Self-Directed HCBS
A training course for people in self-directed services to prepare for recruiting and maintaining employees to work with a family member, or themselves.
US Department of Education
Agency of the federal government that establishes policy for, administers, and coordinates most federal assistance to education. 1.800.872.5237
Youth as Self-Advocates
YASA is a national advisory board of teen and young adult leaders with disabilities who represent diverse races and cultures, have different disabilities and health care needs, and come from different regions of the country. 1.888.835.5669

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